Scrum Posters for Sourcecell

I recently attended a course taught by the wonderful M Kelley Harris – director of Sourcecell so I could qualify as a CSM.

If you’re thinking of learning more about Agile or Scrum, Kelley is your man. He teaches with great patience and passion, and his sessions really bring the topic alive. One challenge was to create a poster for each team selling the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of Scrum to a company. Each team created a concept and I helped them by working up the images quickly into more finished final products – as you see below.

poster 1

poster 2


Donkey Heart Poster Design

In a break from the usual I was asked to come up with some quick sketched ideas for a poster for ‘Donkey Heart’ – a play by Moses Raine. In the end none of them were used, but you can see some definite echoes of my designs in the final version at the bottom 🙂 Also I got to buy a great book about Soviet Propaganda art so all worth it in the end. Here’s a review.

Donkey sardines

donkey blue

donkey dolls  blackn title2

donkey outlines

The final version…
